Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson
Plot: An alien lizard humanoid escapes from captivity and strikes terror across the city. In response, a plucky band of scientists are sent to track it down.
Male deaths:
William Forsythe (Dr. Michael Howard)
James Caan (Professor David Kimbrough)
Female deaths:
Christina Ricci (Dallas Peterson)
Bridget Moynahan (Lacerta)
Paul Newman was in the middle of filming Where the Money Is when he was cast in this movie. Newman was concerned about taking the part as he did not want to overlay his schedule. Eventually, Anderson and 20th Century Fox came to an agreement which would allow Newman to film both movies without going over-schedule.
Bridget Moynahan found her makeup sessions to be "grueling". In an interview, Moynahan recalled "I would just sit there and wait for the crew to doss me up in reptile skin. It was totally not a welcoming experience". In order to make her appearance as a reptile humanoid believable, the makeup artists put contact lens on Moynahan's eyes with rectangular lids superimposed via computer software.
Paul W.S. Anderson spoke very heavily prior to the film's release that this film is not a horror movie. According to Fox, Anderson lobbied multiple screenings of the film to test screenings and informed them prior to the start of the film that "You know, it may seem like a scary movie, what with the reptilian humanoid and all, but its just a film about a plucky group of people trying to hunt down the foul creature. Kind of like Jaws."