Cinemorgue Wiki

Kevin Spacey in American Beauty

Kevin Spacey (1959 -)

Film Deaths[]

Television Deaths[]

  • Jimmy Kimmel Live (March 2, 2014) [Ameowadeus]: Poisoned when Christoph Waltz puts poison in his cat food, in a parody of Tom Hulce's death in Amadeus. (Kevin is in a giant cat suit for the part.) (Played for comic effect.)
  • House of Cards: Chapter 66 (2018) [Frank Underwood]: Kevin didn't appear in this episode or the entire season due to the allegations against him. However, it is confirmed that his character, Frank, died in his sleep after being poisoned from high medicion given to relax him by Michael Kelly when he was drunk.

Video Game Deaths[]

  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014) [Jonathan Irons]: Falls to his death when Troy Baker severs his prosthetic left arm Kevin was holding on, causing him to fall from the top of the building.
