Kai Wulff in ¡Three Amigos!
Kai Wulff (1949 - )
Film Deaths:[]
- Firefox (1982) [Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Voskov]: Slain in a dogfight against Clint Eastwood, who remembers just in time the Russian expression for "Fire Forward Missile".
- ¡Three Amigos! (1986) [The German]: Shot in the chest by Martin Short during a shootout (played for comic effect).
TV Deaths:[]
- MacGyver: Black Rhino (1989) [Anton 'Ladysmith' De Bruin]: Falls to his death (landing on his own boat) when he loses his grip on Richard Dean Anderson (who survives) while they're both hanging from a bridge, after they both go over the bridge during a struggle.
- MacGyver: Eye of Osiris (1991) [Nicolas Von Leer]: Crushed to death/buried under rubble when a large stone block slides toward him after he activates a death trap while trying to steal the ancient Eye of Osiris.
- Walker, Texas Ranger: The Deadliest Man Alive (1996) [Steven Michael 'The Viper' Jamieson]: Shot in the chest by a sniper.
Video Game Deaths:[]
- Secret Weapons over Normandy (2003) [Krieger]: Tries to escape, only for the force of the explosion of the Daimler Benz C to damage the engine of his He-1078, causing it to crash, killing Krieger, who curses James Chase (Chris Cox) for foiling the Reich's plans.
- Quantum of Solace (2008) [Gettler]: Shot to death with a nail-gun by Bond (voice of Daniel Craig). (This game combines the storylines of both Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace)