Jonestown (2013)
Director: David B. Berget
A thriller that dramatizes the last 24 hours in the lives of (Leandro Cano) and The Peoples Temple Church through the eyes of a reporter (Kym Jackson).
Male Deaths[]
- Fleetwood Alexander [Jeremy]
- Jush Allen [Ethan Jones]
- Noel Arthur [Karl]
- Thomas Biebers [Mark]
- Dontrail Brinson [Jamie]
- Mickey Brooks [Ricky]
- Leandro Cano [Jim Jones]
- Willie C. Carpenter [Male Interviewee]
- Nick de Graffenreid [Jonny]
- Ros Elizondo [Chad]
- Hunter Ellias [Rex]
- Kareem Ferguson [Marcus Benton]
- Tomas Grande [Richard]
- Ryan Hollis [Mike Keeney]
- Harvey L. Jordan [Jona]
- Chuli Joy [Dakota]
- Marquis Knowles [Albert]
- Dominic Lee [Justin]
- Richard Lee [Rico]
- Bryan Mathews [Dremman]
- Sergey Molozhaviy [Robin]
- Dennis Nicomede [Emilio]
- Joseph Ojeriakhi [Trevor]
- Travis Orozco [George]
- Eddy Paños de Los Angeles [Jesse]
- Aaron Pence [Mickey]
- Ed Pulella [Charlie]
- Willy Romano [Wes]
- William Russ [Leo Ryan]
- Michael Sadler [Clyde]
- Joe Salling [Bart]
- Mathew Shapiro [Rusty]
- Scott St. Blaze [Christopher]
- Matthew Steele [Isidore]
- Michael Thieling [Cyrus]
- Trixx Ian Vitolo [Alex]
- Irvin Webb [Michael]
- Jon Wilkinson [Brian]
- Robert Williams [Kurt]
Female Deaths[]
- Jasmine Adele [Misty]
- Meli Alexander [Andrea]
- Mara Arevalo [Kimberly]
- Belinda Bates [Betsy]
- Valerie Bentson [Sky]
- Sasha Bujnak [Holly]
- Magdalene Bullock [Rain]
- Angela Capri [Amy]
- Tracy Carr [Scarlett]
- Romina Caruana [Candance]
- Marilia Colturato [Janice]
- Natalie Conners [Kristel]
- Serafina Costanza [Rosemarie]
- Krystle Cruz [Lola]
- Erica Curtis [Serena]
- Josie Daper [Michelle]
- Natalie Devereux [Jonestown Citizen]
- Sabrina Dichne [Josephine]
- Lisa Engelbrektson [Wendy]
- Summer Ess [Lily]
- Kayla Eva [Leah]
- Jacqueline Fanucci [Zena]
- Annie Feldsott [Female Interviewee]
- Britt Fiola [Bonnie]
- Nastashia Victoria Friday [Vicky]
- Lara Gabriele [Heather]
- Nathalia Garzon [Hope]
- Dayana Grace [Rosabella]
- Linda Haim [Elizabeth]
- Jessy Holtermann [Jennifer]
- Rachel Indira [Sarah]
- Theresa Ireland [Terry Carter]
- Khalilah Joi [Veronica Benton]
- Jocelyn Jolley [Dawn]
- Hannah Jones [Dixie]
- Anita Khalatbari [Angela]
- Christine Kilmer [Spring]
- Lauren Larson [Karen]
- Georgina Lind [Mercedes]
- Maribel Lopez [Melissa]
- Laura Lucero [Emma]
- Kelsie Macray [Alexa]
- Emilee Madrak [Lucy]
- Ariel Mantelli [Summer]
- Emily McCarron [Patty]
- Marian Mendez [Alejandra]
- Lauryn Morse [Harmony]
- Michelle Ortiz [Aurora]
- Lais Pedroso [Victoria]
- Brenda Marie Phillips [Nikki]
- Jessica Porter [Marcie Jones]
- Julie Raelyn [Frey]
- Norma Royston [Ruth]
- Thia Schuessler [Mary Beth]
- Felicia Skrzypek [Frances]
- Kathryn Sutton [Audrey]
- Christie Swiss [Willow]
- Michelle Talley [Linda]
- Assivaiwe Tchukombe [Nana]
- Sheila Thiele [Jodie]
- Marisa Van den Borre [Maya]
- Trixx Ian Vitolo [Alex]
- Heaven White [Freesia Benton]
- Sade Whiting [Adele]
- Mindy Willens [Carol Kerns]
- Katharine Zamora [Jackie]
- The end credits play out the recorded speech of Jim Jones during the actual mass suicide/murder of the members of The Peoples Temple on November 18, 1978.
- Director David Berget in an article for "Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple" revealed that two of the extras were former members of Peoples Temple; one was a woman who lived in Jonestown for two years while the second person was invited to go to Jonestown but decided not to. The cast and crew didn't know about their connections with Jonestown/Peoples Temple until after production had ended.