Jon Favreau (1966 - )
Film director
Film Deaths[]
- Deep Impact (1998) [Dr. Gus Partenza]: Eventually suffocates and freezes to death (off-screen) after being ejected from the surface of the comet by an outflow of gas.
- Term Life (2016) [Jimmy Lincoln] Shot to death by Daniel Bernhardt.
- Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) [Rio Durant]: Voicing an alien creature, Jon is fatally wounded when he was shot in the back by a soldier as he is piloting a spaceship; he dies while speaking to Alden Ehrenreich.
Television Deaths[]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Shades of Reason (2013; animated) [Pre Vizsla]: Decapitated by Darth Maul (Sam Witwer) after losing a battle against him.
- What If...?: What If... Zombies? (2021; animated) [Happy Hogan/Zombie Happy]: Turns into a zombie after being bitten by Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner). Destroyed for good when Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp) blasts him with a repulsor beam.