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Johnny English Strikes Again (2018)

Director: David Kerr


Former MI7 agent Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson) is brought out of retirement as a geography teacher and reteams with his old reluctant partner Bough (Ben Miller) to unmask a master hacker who is behind a crippling cyber attack on Europe.

Male Deaths[]

Female Deaths[]

  • None



  1. This will be Rowan Atkinson's first movie trilogy.
  2. Emma Thompson's supporting role was kept a secret during filming. Her appearance was first revealed in the theatrical trailer.
  3. Ben Miller reprising his role as Bough from Johnny English), didn't appear in the first sequel, Johnny English Reborn. His scene was cut from the film.
  4. Legendary actors Charles Dance, Michael Gambon, and Edward Fox appear as guest stars playing three old agents. Dance, Gambon, and Fox all have ties to the James Bond franchise. Michael Gambon was asked to audition to replace George Lazenby as Bond in Diamonds Are Forever, but declined the offer. Charles Dance played Claus in For Your Eyes Only and was considered for the part of Bond, but declined to audition. Dance later also played Bond creator Ian Fleming in Goldeneye. Finally, Edward Fox played M in Never Say Never Again, which also featured Rowan Atkinson (in his feature film debut) as Nigel Small-Fawcett.