Cinemorgue Wiki

John Philbin (1960 - )

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John Philbin in Point Break

Film Deaths[]

  • Children of the Corn (1984) [Amos]: Killed by "He Who Walks Behind the Rows".
  • The New Kids (1985) [Gideon]: Has his head crushed by a rollar coaster.  
  • The Return of the Living Dead (1985) [Chuck]: Killed in an explosion (along with everybody else in the movie) when the military drops a nuclear bomb on the city in an attempt to stop the spread of the zombies. We only see quick cutaways of all the different characters before the explosion.
  • Point Break (1991) [Nathaniel]: Shot to death by Gary Busey.
  • Tombstone (1993) [Tom McLaury]: Shot with a shotgun by Val Kilmer during the gunfight at the OK Corral. (Note: the shooting is shown twice, from different angles) His body is later glimpsingly shown when it's prepared for funeral/burial.

Television Deaths[]

  • None.
