John Eddins (right), with James Gandolfini, in The Sopranos: Isabella
John Eddins (19?? - )
TV Deaths[]
- In the Heat of the Night: Hatton's Turn, Part 2 (1993) [Nat Bream]: Shot to death (off-screen) by Courtney Gains, after John lets Wayne Brady escape. His body is seen next to a pickup truck when police investigate the scene.
- The Sopranos: Isabella (1999) [William Clayborn]: Accidentally shot in the head by his partner, who was trying to shoot James Gandolfini.
- 24: Day 2: 5:00 PM- 6:00 PM (2003) [Richards (Day 2)]: Shot to death, along with Donzaleigh Abernathy, by Laura Harris.