Cinemorgue Wiki

Jessica Biel in The Illusionist

Jessica Biel (1982 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • The Illusionist (2006) [Sophie]: Seemingly slashed across the neck with a sword (off-screen) by Rufus Sewell in the stables; her body is shown afterwards slumped across the horse as it rides off, then again when Edward Norton finds her in the river, and finally lying in the carriage when Paul Giamatti arrives while Karl Johnson is examining her. (It later turns out the whole thing was staged by Edward, Jessica, and Karl, in order to fake Jessica's death and frame Rufus for her murder; since she wasn't actually dead after all, I wasn't sure whether this counts, but since it's been suggested...)
  • Next (2007) [Liz Cooper]: Dies in two of Nicolas Cage's visions of the future: (1) Killed in an explosion when Thomas Kretschmann's terrorist team detonate the explosive vest they'd strapped to her. (2) Killed in an explosion, along with everyone else in the area, when the nuclear bomb goes off. Nicolas prevents both of these visions from coming true.
  • The Book of Love (2016) [Penny Herschel]: Killed in a car accident when she is distracted while looking at Maisie Williams and veers into the path of an oncoming truck, and swerves off the road into a tree, leaving her husband, (Jason Sudeikis), devastated; Maisie's presence in her death is revealed later in flashback, Jessica is dead after having been thrown out of the car during the collision with Maisie at her side. (the character was pregnant at the time).
  • A Kind of Murder (2016) [Clara Stackhouse]: Falls off a cliff during a rest interval while taking a bus to see her dying mother. The film leaves it unclear whether it was an accident, suicide or murder. Her body is shown at the scene and later in the morgue when her husband (Patrick Wilson) visit her body.


Noteworthy Connections[]