Cinemorgue Wiki

James Kirk in Final Destination 2

James Kirk (1986 - )

Film Death:[]

  • Final Destination 2 (2003) [Tim Carpenter]: Crushed to death by a falling pane of glass when a pigeon causes the crane operator to drop it, while his mother (Lynda Boyd) looks on in horror. (James and Lynda were also killed in a car crash in A.J. Cook's premonition, but A.J. managed to prevent that.) (Thanks to Velvett, Gordon, Callum, and Rachel)

Television Deaths:[]

  • Smallville: Ressurection (2004) [Garrett Davis]: Shot in the chest by a police sniper while demanding the hospital staff to get a liver for his dying brother (Tahmoh Penikett). During this, James had a bomb strapped to his chest and pushes the detonator before dying, but Tom Welling manages to get the bomb to an outside area where it explodes harmlessly.
  • Sanctuary: Folding Man (2008) [Aaron Braithwaite]: Killed off-screen by Peter Outerbridge, his body is later found stuffed in a washing machine.
  • Caprica: Blowback (2010) [Sagittaron Recruit]: Shot and killed along with a few other students after failing a test.
  • Behemoth (2011; TV movie) [Jerrod Dietrich]: Swallowed whole by the monster when he loses his grip on the edge of a sink hole created by the beast, as his horrified girlfriend (Cindy Busby) hangs on and watches helplessly.
