James Kidnie (1964 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Run (1991) [Sammy]: Falls to his death off of Ken Pogue's building when he loses his balance while trying to get Patrick Dempsey off of Sean McCann, after James and Sean try to throw Patrick off the roof.
TV Deaths[]
- Perry Mason Returns (1985) [Bobby Lynch]: Shot in the head by Richard Anderson in his car while trying to run over William Katt.
- Friday the 13th: The Series: Pipe Dream (1988) [John York]: Burned/vaporized by the smoke from Michael Constantine's cursed pipe, when Michael lights the pipe after James threatens to expose him as a fraud.
- Highlander: The Raven: Full Disclosure (1998) [Charlie]: Shot in the head by Carlo Rota; his body is seen again when Elizabeth Gracen discovers it.
- The Crossing (2000) [Colonel Johann Rall]: Shot by an American soldier while rallying his troops. He later dies from the wound while surrendering to Jeff Daniels.
- Pegasus Vs Chimera (2012) [General Actae}: Killed in a swordfight by Sebastian Roché. (Thanks to Brian)
- Arrow: Genesis (2016) [Milo Armitage]: "Shot" in the head when Neal McDonough uses his telekinetic powers to propel a bullet through James' head after James attempts to shoot him.
- Where's My Baby? (Cradle of Lies) (2016 TV Movie) [Dr. Novak]: Fatally stabbed by Nicole de Boer as he prepares to kill her (under Gina Holden's orders).