Cinemorgue Wiki

J.T. Walsh in Executive Decision

J.T. Walsh (1943 - 1998)

Deaths in Film[]

  • House of Games (1987) [The Businessman]: Accidentally shoots himself in the stomach with his own gun during a struggle with Lindsay Crouse. It is later revealed that J.T. was faking his death.
  • Tequila Sunrise (1988) [DEA Agent Hal Maguire]: Killed in an explosion or burned to death after being shot repeatedly in the back by Kurt Russell after Walsh ignites the leaking fuel from a speedboat while shooting at Mel Gibson (having shot Raul Julia).
  • Narrow Margin (1990) [Michael Tarlow]: Shot in the chest and head by Nigel Bennett, as Anne Archer looks on helplessly.
  • Defenseless (1991) [Steven Seldes]: Stabbed repeatedly in the face and chest (presumably by George P. Wilbur). His body is later seen when Barbara Hershey returns to a bathroom stall to discover him dead.
  • A Few Good Men (1992) [Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Markinson]: Commits suicide (off-camera) by shooting himself in the mouth; the scene cuts away after he places the gun in his mouth.
  • Needful Things (1993) [Danforth "Buster" Keeton III]: Commits suicide by blowing himself up with an explosive in an attempt to kill Max von Sydow.
  • Red Rock West (1993) [Sheriff Wayne Brown]: Possibly died (off-screen) after being stabbed in the throat with a swiss knife throw by Dennis Hopper in graveyard.
  • Black Day Blue Night (1995) [Lieutenant John Quinn]: Shot in the stomach by Mia Sara after she first shoots him in the shoulder making him fall back into a pool.
  • Sacred Cargo (1995) [Father Stanislav]: Killed in an explosion by Chris Penn when he speeds his car off of a bridge overpass, which collides into Walsh's cargo ship as he is trying to escape.
  • Executive Decision (1996) [Senator Jason Mavros]: Shot in the head (off-camera) by David Suchet while J.T. is talking to Len Cariou over the phone; we only hear the shot as Kurt Russell listens helplessly.
  • Persons Unknown (1996) [Cake]: Shot to death by Joe Mantegna causing him to fall off a bridge (we only see Joe firing the gun).
  • Breakdown (1997) [Warren "Red" Barr]: Crushed to death when Kathleen Quinlan dislodges the truck from the edge of the bridge, causing it to fall on him, after J.T. had fallen from the truck during a scuffle with Kurt Russell.
  • Hidden Agenda (1998) [Jonathan Zanuck]: Killed at the end of a stuggle/shoot-out.
  • The Negotiator (1998) [Inspector Terence Niebaum]: Shot repeatedly in the chest and stomach by Nestor Serrano after revealing Nestor, Tim Kelleher, and Leonard Thomas are corrupt; he dies as Samuel L. Jackson tries to save him. His body is later seen when shown to Kevin Spacey.

Deaths in Television[]

  • The X-Files: The List (1995) [Warden Leo Brodeur]: Killed when his car swerves into a tree when an undead Badja Djola grabs his face and neck/him from behind the back seat. His body is later seen as a fly settles on his face.
  • Gang in Blue (1996 TV) [Lieutenant William Eyler]: Shot repeatedly in the stomach and chest by Mario Van Peebles after Walsh shoots Josh Brolin (having been secretly allowed by one of his cohorts to grab said cops' gun).
  • Dark Skies: Bloodlines (1997) [Captain Frank Bach]: Shot dead by Conor O'Farrell after Connor reveals himself to be possessed by an alien spy/plant/mole.
