Hugo (2011)
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Plot Synopsis[]
In Paris in 1931, an orphan named Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield) who lives in the walls of a train station is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late father (Jude Law) and an automaton.
Male Deaths[]
- Asa Butterfield (Hugo Cabret) (dream sequence)
- Jude Law (Hugo's Father)
- Ray Winstone (Uncle Claude)
Female Deaths[]
- None
Trivia []
- If you don't include the credits, the film is exactly two hours long, down to the second.
- Martin Scorsese's first PG rated film in 18 years. His first was The Age of Innocence (1993).
- Martin Scorsese and Christopher Lee are very good friends, but up until 2010 had never worked together. Lee's response when he was asked by Scorsese to appear in Hugo was: "It's about time!"
- After a screening that James Cameron attended, he called the film a "masterpiece" and told Martin Scorsese it was the best use of 3D he had seen, including his own films.
- Jude Law (Hugo's father) only appears on screen for 3 minutes in the entire film.
- When Ben Kingsley (as Georges Méliès) is seen directing one of his films, the camera operator on screen left is played by his real son Edmund Kingsley.