Harry Melling before his off-screen death in The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Harry Melling (1989 -)
Film Deaths[]
- The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) [Artist]: Drowned in a river off-screen by Liam Neeson due to Harry becoming a burden to take care of. We simply see Liam testing how deep the river is and when Liam resumes driving his carriage, Harry is no longer there.
- The Old Guard (2020) [Merrick]: Pushed out of a window and slammed through a car by KiKi Layne after Merrick is about to shoot her as KiKi pretends to try and shoot Charlize Theron.
- The Devil All the Time (2020) [Roy Laferty]: Shot in the head off-screen by Jason Clarke after Harry refuses to have sex with Jason's wife Riley Keough. His corpse is later seen again when Sebastian Stan discovers a photograph of it taken by Jason.
Television Deaths[]
- The War Of The Worlds (2019;Mini-series) [Artilleryman]: Engulfed in flames fired from the Martian machine as he tries to run from it.
Notable Connections[]
- Grandson of Patrick Troughton and Shelagh Dunlop
- Nephew of David Troughton and Michael Troughton
- Cousin of Sam Troughton, William Troughton, Jim Troughton
- Son of Joanna Troughton and Brian Melling
- Brother of Jack Melling