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Harrison Greene lying unconscious in Grips, Grunts and Groans.


Harrison Greene getting drunk in an earlier scene in Grips Grunts and Groans.

Harrison Greene (1884 - 1945)

Film Deaths[]

  • Grips, Grunts, and Groans (1937) [Ivan Bustoff]: Possibly dies from head trauma after accidentally being knocked out cold repeatedly in the locker room while Larry Fine and Curly Howard try to sober him out of his drunken state to get him ready for the big wrestling fight; first with Curly lifting the locker to search for the liniment causing the dumbells to fall off knocking Harrison unconscious, and then with Larry angrily throwing Curly against the locker knocking it down on top of Harrison. His body is also shown as Larry and Moe Howard glue Harrison's beard on Curly (because he looks like Harrison) so hed take his place in the fighting so Harrison's trainers (who are apart of the mob) wouldnt find out about the whole mess; also when the stooges quickly drag his body behind the lockers. Because of his drunken state and his repeated head trauma and the fact that he never pulls out of it, indicates that he possibly dies sometime after the short (He probably didn't die and theres no mention of his death. Im listing this just in case.) (Played for comic effect).