Hard Rock Zombies (1985)
Director: Krishna Shah
Members of a rock band who were murdered by music-hating Nazi cultists are brought back from the grave to take their revenge and give the performance of a lifetime.
Male Deaths[]
- Geno Andrews [Tommy]
- Jack Bliesener [Hitler]
- E.J. Curse [Jessie]
- Phil Fondacaro [Mickey]
- John Drake [Ancient Man]
- John Fleck [Arnold]
- Gary Friedkin [Buckey]
- Johnathan King [Red]
- Sam Mann [Chuck]
- Mick McMains [Robby]
- David O'Hara [Ed]
- Christopher Perkins [Christian]
- David Schroeder [Cassie's Father]
- Michael David Simms [Don Matson]
- Walter Smith [Intellectual]
- Vincent De Stefano [Olaf]
- Richard Vidan [Sheriff Dillon]
Female Deaths[]
- Nadia [Eva]
- Maria Porter [Maria]
- Susan Prevatte [Wolf Lady]
- Lisa Toothman [Elsa]