Haig Sutherland (19?? -)
Film Deaths[]
- Slither (2006) [Trevor]: Turned into a zombie when one of the alien slugs gets into his mouth in the barn; he is later stabbed in the throat with a spike by Elizabeth Banks in the street.
TV Deaths[]
- Smallville: Rush (2003) [Travis George]: Jumps to his death after climbing a scaffolding during a concert after being infected by a parasite that gave him adreniline rushes.
- The Flash: Back to Normal (2016) [Griffin Grey]: Dies from rapid aging when he exerts too much force from his strength while fighting Grant Gustin as Jesse L. Martin, Carlos Valdes, Candice Patton and Violett Beane look on.
- The Magicians: Heroes and Morons (2018) [Father Poe]: Tortured and killed off-screen by his villagers after Hale Appleman exposes him as a murderer. He's last heard screaming in agony.