Cinemorgue Wiki

Frank C. Turner in The Fly II

Frank C. Turner (1951 -)

Film Deaths[]

  • The Fly II (1989) [Dr. Shepard]: Strangled or has his neck broken when the giant fly that Eric Stoltz transformed into grabs him by the throat. We later see the fly dragging Frank's body across the floor and down the hallway.
  • Alone in the Dark (2005) [Sam Fischer]: Killed in an explosion (along with Mike Dopud) when he activates one of Mike's grenades while under the influence of a parasite.

TV Deaths[]

  • It (1990) [Alvin Marsh]: Dies (off-screen) several years prior to the 25 year time cut in the story, probably as a result of his severe alcoholism. His death is revealed to his daughter Annette O'Toole by Florence Patterson, who then changes form to mimic a decayed facsimile of Frank before showing its demonic identity as Tim Curry. (See also Stephen Bogaert in the 2019 version.)
