Franco Ukmar in The Inglorious Bastards
Franco Ukmar (1936 - 2016)
Film Deaths[]
- Killer Kid (1967) [Soldier] Shot in the films climatic battle.
- The Brute and the Beast (Le colt cantarono la morte e fu... tempo di massacro) (1968) [Scott's Henchman] Shot by Franco Nero.
- Requiescant (Kill and Pray) (196 [Mexican with Leonard]: Machine gunned by Franco Citti.
- If You Meet Sartana...Pray for Death(Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte) (1968) [El Moreno Henchman] Shot to death by William Berger.
- Django the Bastard (Django il bastardo) (1969) [Murdok Henchman] Shot to death by Anthony Steffen.
- Hang For Django (Una lunga fila di croci) (1969) [Cerockee] Shot to death by Anthony Steffen.
- I Am Sartana, Your Angel of Death (Sono Sartana, il vostro becchino) (1969) [Hitman] Shot in the chest by Gianni Garko.
- Sabata (Ehi amico...c'e Sabata. Hai chiuso!) (1969) [Cutty] Shot to death by Robert Hundar and his men.
- Return of Sabata (E' tornato Sabata...hai chiuso un'altra volta!)(1971) [Spectator at Duel] Shot to death by Lee Van Cleef.
- The Boss (Il Boss) (1973) [Attardi Man in Cinema] Shot to death by Henry Silva.
- Shanghai Joe (Il Mio name e Shanghai Joe; The Dragon Strikes Back; The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe; My Name Is Shanghai Joe) (1973) [Tricky's Friend]: Beaten to death by Chen Lee.
- The Big Racket (Il grande racket) (1976) [Sentry] Blown up when dynamite goes off near him.
- A Man Called Blade (Mannaja) (1977) [Valler Henchman] Shot by Maurizio Merli.
- The Inglorious Bastards (Quel maleditto treno blindato; Counterfeit Commandos; Deadly Mission; G.I. Bro; Hell's Heroes) (1978) [American Troop Leader]: Shot to death by a German plane.
- 2020 Texas Gladiators (Anno 2020 - I gladiatori del futuro) (1983) [Saloon Guy] Shot with a shotgun blast by Peter Hooten
- Endgame (Endgame - Bronx lotta finale) (1983) [Stark] Hacked to death with swords by the cult members.