Cinemorgue Wiki

Forrest J Ackerman in Skinned Deep

Forrest J Ackerman (1916 - 2008)

a.k.a. Forrest J. Ackerman (he himself never used the period after the "J" initial), or Forry Ackerman


Creator of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine.

Creator of the comic book character Vampirella.

Film Deaths[]

  • Dracula vs. Frankenstein (Blood of Frankenstein; The Blood Seekers; Satan's Bloody Freaks) (1971) [Dr. Beaumont]: Back broken/crushed to death in a bear-hug by John Bloom, who was being controlled by Zandor Vorkov.
  • Return of the Living Dead Part II (1988) [Harvey Kramer Zombie]: Dies (off-screen) during surgery, some time before the movie begins; he appears as a zombie when Philip Bruns recognizes him as a former patient.
  • The Laughing Dead (1989) [Corpse #1]: I haven't seen this movie, but the IMDB's identification of his role gives away his fate.
  • Future War (1997) [Park Victim]
  • Skinned Deep (2004) [Forry]: Dies of a heart attack while witnessing the murders of the other senior-citizen motorcycle gang members.
  • The Dead Undead (2007) [Wheelchair ZomVamp]: Appears as a zombie/vampire.

TV Deaths[]

None known.
