Fernando Rey in Companeros
Fernando Rey (1917 - 1994)
Film Deaths[]
- The Last Days of Pompeii (Gli Ultimi giorni di Pompei) (1959) [Arbaces, High Priest]: Crushed to death when a statue of Isis falls on him. (Thanks to Andrea)
- Revolt of the Slaves (La rivolta degli schiavi) (1960) [Valerio] Eaten by rabid dogs after being knocked into their pit by Serge Gainsbourg.
- Chimes at Midnight (1965) [Earl of Worcester]: Executed by hanging (off screen) after being sentenced to death for treason and rebellion by John Gielgud.
- Navajo Joe (1966) [Rev. Rattigan]: Shot in the chest by Aldo Sambrell after he thanks Aldo for sparing his life.
- The Price Of Power (Il Prezzo Del Potere) (1969) [Pinkerton]:Shot in the chest at point blank range by Michael Harvey after being forced to hand over documents. (Thanks to Brian)
- Companeros (Vamos a matar, companeros!) (1970) [Professor Xantos]: Shot in the chest by Jack Palance, after Fernando rushes out into the street with an unloaded gun as a distraction when Jack is about to shoot Tomas Milian.
- Tristana (1970) [Don Lope Garrido] After suffering a stroke that leaves him paralzed, he is left to freeze when Catherine Deneuve opens a window and lets the snow come in.
- Cold Eyes of Fear (Gli Occhi freddi della paura) (1971) [Judge Bedell]: While he survives the film, there is a day dream/fantasy that Frank Wolff has, where he opens a door setting off an explosive blowing him up.
- The Light at the Edge of the World (1971) [Captain Moriz]: Stabbed to death by Yul Brynner's pirates, while Kirk Douglas looks on helplessly from the lighthouse. (Thanks to Johan)
- The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (La Charme discret de la bourgeoisie) (1972) [Don Rafael Acosta]: Machine-gunned, along with the rest of his friends, by a group of revolutionaries who invade their dinner party. This turns out to be a dream sequence, but so does everything else in the movie.
- High Crime (La Polizia incrimina, la legge assolve) (1973) [Cafiero] Shot by numerous assassins in his mansion. NOTE: This scene is only included in the longer cut of the film.
- Violent Blood Bath (Pena de muerte) (1974) [Oscar Bataille] Stabs himself with a pair of scissors.
- French Connection II (1975) [Alain Charnier]: Shot to death by Gene Hackman while Fernando is attempting to escape on his boat towards the end of movie. (Thanks to Robert and Ford)
- Seven Beauties (Pasqualino Settebellezze) (1975) [Pedro, the Anarchist]: Machine-gunned by Nazi guards after he makes a break for it and dives into the latrine in the concentration camp; we only see the guards firing into the latrine after Fernando disappears beneath the filthy water.
- That Obscure Object of Desire (Cet obscur objet du désir) (1977) [Mathieu]: Killed in an explosion, along with Ángela Molina, when a bomb goes off in the mall. (The character of "Conchita" was played by both Carole Bouquet and Ángela, randomly alternating in different scenes; Angela appeared in the final scene.)
Noteworthy Connections[]
- Husband of Mabel Karr.