Fallout (1999)
Director: Rodney McDonald
Set in an alternative 2015 where space travel is becoming a more common place, as a civil war rages in eastern Europe a joint team of astronauts and cosmonauts arrive on one of the international space stations to uncover who sabotaged their systems. Only to uncover too late a trio of desperate dissidents are lurking among them, who soon seize control of both station and the orbital nuclear satellites surrounding earth...intending to drop them one by one on major populations unless Russia pulls out Tadzikistan, prompting a ranger team led by J.J. 'Jim' Hendricks to stop them.
Male Deaths[]
- Paul Terrell Clayton
- Gary Dubin
- Michael Holden
- Michael Khmurov
- Krzysztof Pieczynski
- Stephen Saux
- Scott Valentine
- Frank Zagarino
Female Deaths[]