Cinemorgue Wiki

Ephraim Ellis in Stage Fright (2014)

Ephraim Ellis (1985 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • Stage Fright (2014) [Sam Brownstein]: Stabbed in the back with scissors by the masked Douglas Smith in the dressing room, after Ephraim discovers Chelsey Pozdyk's body; Douglas then stomps on Ephraim's chest to drive the scissors completely through. His body is shown again later on when Allie MacDonald discovers him.

TV Deaths[]

  • Degrassi: The Next Generation: Time Stands Still Part 2 (2004) [Rick Murray]: Accidentally shot by Daniel Clark, while Ephraim and Daniel are struggling over Ephraim's gun as Ephraim is about to shoot Miriam McDonald.
  • Warehouse 13: Buried (2010) [Terry]: Dies of desiccated husk along with Ben Watson and Riley Gilchrist.
