Ellen Wroe in Final Destination 5
Ellen Wroe (1988 - )
Film Deaths[]
- Final Destination 5 (2011) [Candice Hooper]: Accidentally breaks her own back after being blinded by chalk dust disturbed by Brittany Rogers during a gymnastics routine, causing her to fall badly and literally fold herself backwards. (Additionally, in Nicholas D'Agosto's earlier vision of the bridge collapse, she is impaled through the back on the mast of a boat (with intestines hanging from the mast) after she falls from the Lions Gate Bridge.)
- They Live in the Grey (2022) [Audrey Lang]: Bones broke and neck snapped by ghost Mercedes Manning's supernatural abilities while she was trying to shoot Michelle Krusiec.
Television Deaths[]
- Grimm: El Cuegle (2017) [Haley Maler]: Shot to death along with Jeff Branson by their son (Samuel Summer); however, this only occurs in Carlos Sanz 's vision of the future, and both Jeff and Ellen survive the episode - though it's heavily implied that Carlos' vision will eventually come true.
- NCSI New Orleans: Touched by the sun (2015) [Lt. Lindsey Garrett]: Crash while flying a F-16 combat plane during an airshow. An investigation by the NCSI Team reveled she was poisoned right before taking off with her plane.
Music Video Deaths[]
- "New Romance" (2011) (Miles Fisher music video): Hit by a bus, along with Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, at the end of the video.