Doris Day (in Ginger Rogers' arms) in Storm Warning
Doris Day (1922 - 2019)
Note on birth year: despite most biographies, plaque, celebrations etc. (giving the 1924 birth). Her birth certificate was recently discovered and it reads 1922.
Film Deaths[]
- Storm Warning (1951) [Lucy Rice]: Shot in the stomach by Steve Cochran at a Ku Klux Klan meeting, when Doris runs in front of Ginger Rogers and takes the bullet for her. She dies in Ginger's arms shortly afterwards.
- The Glass Bottom Boat (1966) [Jennifer Nelson]: Shot in the stomach by a firing squad in a Mata Hari-like fantasy sequence. She survives the picture in real life.
TV Deaths[]
None known.
Notable Connections[]
- Ex-Mrs. George Weidler
- Ex-Mrs. Martin Melcher (producer)