Cinemorgue Wiki

Dominique Sanda in A Gentle Woman

Dominique Sanda (1951 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • A Gentle Woman (Une femme douce) (1969) [Elle]: Commits suicide by jumping from her balcony. Her body is shown lying in the street, then lying on the bed in her apartment throughout the movie, interspersed with flashbacks leading up to her death.
  • The Conformist (Il Conformista) (1970) [Anna Quadri]: Shot in the back by Fascist officers while she's running after Jean-Louis Trintignant's car, as Jean-Louis looks away. (Thanks to Jake and Gerardo)
  • First Love (Erste Liebe) (1970) [Sinaida]: Dies in childbirth (off-screen); we learn of her death when John Moulder-Brown comes to her house several years after he last saw her, and is informed of her death.
  • Une Chambre en ville (1982) [Edith Leroyer]: Commits suicide by shooting herself in the head, in grief after Richard Berry dies in her arms.
  • L'Indiscrétion (1982) [Beatrice]: Shot to death by an assassin; she dies after staggering towards Jean Rochefort. (Thanks to Travelling Man)

TV Deaths[]

None known.