Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995)
Director: John McTiernan
John McClane (Bruce Willis) and a Harlem store owner (Samuel L. Jackson) are targeted by German terrorist Simon Gruber (Jeremy Irons) in New York City, where he plans to rob the Federal Reserve Building.
Male Deaths[]
- Timothy Adams [Gunther]
- Richard Council [Otto]
- Mischa Hausserman [Mischa]
- Jeremy Irons [Simon Gruber]
- Anthony Peck [Ricky Walsh]
- Bray Poor [Federal Reserve Guad #2]
- Willis Sparks [Klaus]
- Greg Skoric [Kurt]
- Phil Theis [Erik]
- Sven Toorvald [Karl]
- Gerrit Vooren [Nils]
- Nicholas Wyman [Mathias Targo]
Female Deaths[]
- Sam Phillips [Katya]