David Richmond-Peck's death in Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball
David Richmond-Peck (1974 - )
Film Deaths[]
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) [Polygraph Operator]: To be added
- Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball (2010) [Agent Dominic Dumare]: Shot in the chest through the closet wall by Tommy Flanagan when David goes to investigate the noise.
Television Deaths[]
- V: John May (Episode) (2010) [Georgie Sutton]: Injected with a sedative by Mark Hildreth.
- Flashpoint: A World of Their Own (2012) [Franklin Hess]: Shot in head with a sniper rifle by David Paetkau in Richmond-Peck's jeep, just as Richmond-Peck is about to shoot Olunike Adeliyi (who was standing in front of the jeep) while he's holding John Ralston hostage.
Notable Connections[]
- Ex-Mr. Kelly-Ruth Mercier.
- Mr. Alisen Down.