David James Elliott (with Krista Bridges) just before his death in The Hitchhiker: The Cruelest Cut
David James Elliott (1960 - )
TV Deaths[]
- The Hitchhiker: The Cruelest Cut (1989) [Jason]: Stabbed in the back (off-screen) by Krista Bridges while they're making out; the scene ends as the knife comes down.
- Impulse: New Beginnings (2019) [Bill Boone]: Dies of blood loss when Maddie Hasson teleports and severs his arm from his body.
- Heels: Cheap Heat (2021) [Tom Spade]: Commits suicide by shooting himself in the throat with a handgun, and falls over the railing on his porch. His body is later discovered by his son (Alexander Ludwig).
Notable Connections[]
- Mr. Nanci Chambers