Cinemorgue Wiki

Dana Wheeler-Nicholson (1960 - )


Dana Wheeler-Nicholson before her death in Denise Calls Up

Film Deaths[]

  • Tombstone (1993) [Mattie Blaylock Earp]: Dies (off-screen) of a drug overdose; her death is mentioned in Robert Mitchum's narration.
  • Denise Calls Up (1995) [Gail Donnelly]: Killed in a car crash (off-screen) while talking on the phone. We learn of her death after the fact when Sylvia Miles informs Caroleen Feeney, and we hear the crash later on when Aida Turturro plays back her answering machine recording of Dana's last call.

Notable connections[]

  • Granddaughter of Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson (founder of National Publications, later DC comics)