Cinzia Monreale in The Beyond
Cinzia Monreale (1957 - )
AKA Sarah Keller
Film Deaths[]
- Beyond the Darkness (1979) [Anna Volkl/Elena Volkl]: Playing a dual role as twin sisters, "Anna" reportedly dies of a terminal illness (actually caused by a voodoo curse placed on her by Franca Stoppi) in the hospital. Her body is shown throughout the movie after Kieran Canter digs her up, takes her home and performs (very graphic) taxidermy on her. (The other sister, "Elena" survives the movie.) (See also Erika Blanc in the 1966 original The Third Eye.) (Nudity alert: Full frontal during taxidermy sequence) (Thanks to Johan)
- The Beyond (E tu vivrai nel terrore - L'aldida; Seven Doors of Death) (1981) [Emily]: Throat slit by a pendulum. This turn out to be a simulation and she survives the film in reality.
- Warriors of the Year 2072 (I guerrieri dell'anno 2072) (1984) [Akira] Dies during the attack on the gladiator leaders.
- Dark Signal (2016) [Carla Zaza]: Struck over the head with a pair of bolt-cutters by Gareth David-Lloyd, who then uses them to pull out her tongue.
Cinzia Monreale in Beyond the Darkness (5)