Carmen Duncan (1942 - 2019)
Film Deaths[]
- Hotel Mumbai (2018) [Lady Wynn] Shot in the head by Amandeep Singh.
TV Deaths[]
- Homicide: Flashback (1966) [Sally Trevor]: Shot several times in the chest by David Mitchell outside a busy city street.
- The Lost World: Tribute (2000) [Kayla]: Killed (off-screen, exact method unclear) by Jason Chong's warriors; her body is shown afterwards when Jason presents her to her tribute as a warning.
- Farscape: Won't Get Fooled Again (2000) [Leslie Crichton]: Dies of cancer some time prior to the events of the series, only appearing in this episode during Ben Browder's virtual reality interrogation - in one later scene clearly depicted in the final stages of her condition and on the brink of death.
- Ash vs Evil Dead: The Morgue (2016) [Lillian Pendergrass]: After becoming a deadite, she is decapitated by Lucy Lawless.
Sister of Paula Duncan