Cinemorgue Wiki

Carl Reiner in The Spirit of '76

Carl Reiner (1922 - 2020)


Film Deaths[]

  • Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) [Field Marshal VonKluck]: Shot in the chest by Steve Martin as Carl starts to throw the switches to destroy various American cities (though Carl only succeeds in destroying Terre Haute, Indiana before Steve foils his plans). (Played for comic effect.) (Thanks to Tommy)
  • The Spirit of '76 (1990) [Dr. Von Mobil]: Dies of old age/natural causes in the future hospital, while talking to Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerard V. Casale. (Played for comic effect.)

TV Deaths[]

  • The Dick Van Dyke Show: The Gunslinger (1966) [Alan Brady/Big Bad Brady]: In Dick Van Dyke's Western-themed dream sequence, he is accidentally shot in the stomach by Dick, when Dick gestures wildly with gun in hand while arguing with Carl after they fail to shoot each other in their showdown. Carl goes into comically exaggerated death-throes before collapsing onto the bar. (He survives the episode in reality.) (Played for comic effect.)

Noteworthy Connections[]