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Bruno Arie in Knives of the Avenger

Bruno Arie   (???? - )

Male Deaths[]

  • Knives of the Avenger (I Coltelli Del Vendicatore) (1966) [Hut Intruder]: Has an axe slammed into his chest by Cameron Mitchell.
  • If You Meet Sartana...Pray for Your Death (Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte) (1968) [Lasky Henchman]: Shot to death by William Berger.
  • A Stranger In Paso Bravo (Uno straniero a Paso Bravo) (1968) [Acombar Henchman] Shot by Anthony Steffen
  • Django the Bastard (Django il bastardo) (1969) [Hawkens Henchman] Shot to death by Anthony Steffen.  
  • Sabata (Ehi amico...c'e Sabata. Hai chiuso!) (1969) [Henchman at Ranch] Shot to death in the films climatic shoot-out.
  • Return of Sabata (E' tornato Sabata...hai chiuso un'altra volta!)(1971) [Gunman on Roof] Falls to his death after being thrown off a roof.