Cinemorgue Wiki

Brett Weaver (1966 - )

Movie Deaths[]

TV Deaths[]

  • Martian Successor Nadesico: A 'Goodbye' That Came Too Soon! (1999; anime) [Gai Daigoji]: Shot in the back by Munetake (John Gremillion). His corpse was seen in the next episode, 'Charmed' by Aqua Space, as Akito (Spike Spencer) grieves over him.
  • Martian Successor Nadesico: Ubiquitous Righteousness (2001; anime) [Tsukumo Shiratori]: Mortally wounded from being shot by Genichiro (Jason Douglas) on the orders of Haruki Kusakabe (Andy McAvin), he dies proposing to Minato (Kelly Manison) as the rest of the Nadesico's crew watched in sadness.
  • Full Metal Panic!: The Wind Blows at Home, Part 3 (2003; anime) [Andy]: Killed when Gauron (Mike MacRae) destroys his Gernsback AS with the Codarl's Lambda Driver.
  • Gantz: What the Hell Is This? (2005; anime) [Akitoshi Okazaki]: Upper half eaten by the Daibutsu Statue Alien (Mike McFarland).
  • Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Pineapple Salad (2006; anime) [Roy Focker]: Mortally wounded from battling Milia's (Luci Christian) squadron of Queadluun-Rau powered suits, he dies while Claudia (Christine Auten) cooks her pineapple salad, to her horror.
  • Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Truce is Broken! The Defense Force Strikes Back at Cell (2011; anime) [Royal Defense Commander]: Obliterated along with his men by Cell (Dameon Clarke) with an energy wave after a failed military attack against him.
  • Attack on Titan: Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission: Part 4 (2014; anime) [Gunther Schultz]: Neck broken after having the line of his ODM gear cut by Annie (Lauren Landa).

OVA Deaths[]

  • Battle Angel: Rusty Angel (1996; anime) [Rasha]: On top of his cybernetic arm being destroyed by Dr. Ido (Guil Lunde), he dies when he gets decapitated by Gally (Amanda Winn Lee) in front of an angry Grewcica (Matt Greenfield).
  • Gunsmith Cats: Swing High! (1996; anime) [Jonathan Washington]: Shot dead by Radinov (Marcy Rae).
  • Puni Puni Poemy: Part 1 - Poemy is in a Bad Mood (2004; anime) [Shinichi "Nabeshin" Watanabe]: Killed alongside Kumi Kumi (Tiffany Grant) and their robot dog by Alien Henchman 1 (Andy McAvin). Their corpses were crucified by the alien when Poemy (Cynthia Martinez) find them. (Played for comic effect)



Anime death in Gantz: What the Hell Is This?