Bobby Rhodes in "Demons 2".
Bobby Rhodes (1947 - )
Film Deaths:[]
- Screamers (L'Isola degli uomini pesce; Island of the Fishmen; Something Waits in the Dark) (1979) [Rackham's Servant]: Dies when the the underwater unit crashes to ocean floor after being attacked by the fishmen.
- Endgame (Endgame - Bronx lotta finale) (1983) [Woody Aldridge] Stabbed in the back by Al Cliver.
- Demons (1985) [Tony]: Killed by the Demons, after one bites his leg and one bites his neck. He returns to life as a demon and dies again when he is sliced with a sword by Urbano Barberini.
- Demons 2 (1986) [Hank]: Eaten (off-screen) by Demon during the big Demon attack in the parking lot. All that is seen is the Demon reach up and grab his crotch then pull him off the hood of the car. Bobby is seen screaming in pain afterwards.