Beastars (2019; anime)
Director: Shinichi Matsumi
Plot Synopsis[]
In a world of anthropomorphic animals, a reclusive wolf (Chikahiro Kobayashi/Jonah Scott)'s complicated relationship with a kindly rabbit (Sayaka Senbongi/Lara Jill Miller) is tested by a classmate (Takeo Ōtsuka/Kyle McCarley)'s murder, a charismatic deer (Yūki Ono/Griffin Puatu)'s influence, and his own burgeoning predatory instincts.
Male Deaths[]
- Takaya Hashi [Chief Lion] (Japanese Voice)
- Kyle Hebert [Chief Lion] (English Dub)
- Taiten Kusunoki [Ibuki] (Japanese Voice)
- James C. Mathis III [Ibuki] (English Dub)
- Kyle McCarley [Tem] (English Dub)
- Takeo Ōtsuka [Tem] (Japanese Voice)
Female Deaths[]
- None (So Far)
- Paru Itagaki drew Legosi when she was in junior high school, but the concept and character evolved over the years into the "Beastars" tale.
- Paru Itagaki named Legosi after actor Bela Lugosi, and based his appearance on actors Mathieu Amalric and Ken'ichi Matsuyama.
- Els is shown to be an alpaca based on her student ID card. However, she is in fact an Angora mountain goat.
- Paru Itagaki considers Louis the most difficult character to design, due to his ironic characterization as a herbivore in a carnivorous world.
- Lara Jill Miller who is typically known for playing several kid-friendly human and rabbit characters, voices Haru, who has less compunctions about beating around the bush when it comes to sex.
- According to Paru, minor reoccurring character Dom is gay. This adaptation made it a little more obvious by having Dom speak very effeminately.
- Ben Diskin revealed on his Twitter that he initially auditioned for the role of Legoshi in the English dub, but didn't make the cut. Netflix's dubbing director asked him to voice Jack instead, and he got the role.