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Bad Day on the Block (1997)

Director: Craig R. Baxley

MV5BNGZlNDljNWYtMDFiYS00MTJjLWE4MjctMjI5NjY3N2NkNDE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0NTI0Nw@@ V1 UY1200 CR59,0,630,1200 AL
220px-Under pressure


  • the Bravertons have a problem; their next door neighbor, bigoted fanatically strict disciplinarian Lyle Wilder blames them for his wife leaving him and taking their son into hiding. But Lyle is a decorated Los Angeles firefighter and a media darling, so no one believes them when he mounts a campaign of threats and imitation that steadily escalates into frightening violence.


alternatively titled as Under Pressure

Male Deaths[]

Female Deaths[]

  • Dawnn Lewis [Officer Sandy Tierra]
  • Michelle Moffat [Angel]