Cinemorgue Wiki

Andrew Tiernan in The Criminal

Andrew Tiernan (1965 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • Edward II (1991) [Piers Gaveston]: Strangled by a truncheon by a soldier, while Nigel Terry looks on impassively.
  • Interview with the Vampire (1994) [Paris Vampire]: Killed, along with all the other Paris Vampires (though I can't recall the details of the massacre or whether Andrew's fate was shown specifically)
  • Macbeth of the Estate (1997) [Banquo]: Presumably killed by James Frain or James' men. (I haven't seen this, but it's a modern-day version of the Shakespeare classic).
  • The Criminal (1999) [Harris]: Shot in the chest (off-screen) by Yvan Attal in an alley, his body is shown afterwards when Bernard Hill discovers him.

Television Deaths[]
