Andrew Bachelor (1988 - )
a.k.a. King Bach
Film Deaths[]
- The Babysitter (2017) [John]: Impaled through the neck, after Judah Lewis pushes him into a toy car that causes him to trip and fall over a banister and onto a trophy. (The character is later brought back to life in the sequel The Babysitter: Killer Queen) (Played for comedic effect.)
- The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020) [John]: Impaled on a falling elk horn chandelier after he accidentally cuts the wire holding it up while trying to attack Judah Lewis with a sword. He is later resurrected again by Emily Alyn Lind only to disintegrate after Samara Weaving tricks him into drinking Judah's "tainted" blood. (Played for comedic effect.)
- Greenland (2020) [Colin]: Dies in a car crash.
Television Deaths[]
- Black Jesus: Janky Cable (2015) [Trayvon]: Electrocuted and is terminally dead until Slink Johnson brings him back to life using his holy powers. He survives the rest of the episode.
- The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Gone (2024) [Bailey]: Succumbs to the zombie infection (off-screen) after his girlfriend (Breeda Wool) dies from the effects of the chlorine gas after being attacked by the Civic Republic military earlier and turns into a zombie, causing Breeda (who was sleeping next to Andrew) to bite him, also turning him into a zombie. Later on after Danai Gurira finds the now undead Andrew she sadly puts him down by stabbing him in the head with her sword.