Cinemorgue Wiki

Alexz Johnson in Final Destination 3


Alexz Johnson's death (dummy) in Final Destination 3

Alexz Johnson (1986 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • Final Destination 3 (2006) [Erin Ulmer]: Shot repeatedly through the back of the head by a nail gun when she accidentally falls against it. (A special-effects dummy was used for the actual death scene.) (She is also killed in the roller-coaster crash in Mary Elizabeth Winstead's premonition, but this is prevented when after Ryan Merriman and Texas Battle are in a fight after he was insulting Mary about her premonition and not believing her, fighting and gets accidentally hit in the face by Texas and has to get off the ride after her boyfriend Kris Lemche gets in the fight making them both leave. In the DVD's "Choose Their Fate" feature, by choosing "Tails" at the coin-toss, Alexz remains on the coaster and is killed in the crash.) (Thanks to Korey, Mike, Troubled Youth, Domikate, Andy, Gordon, Alex, Bonita, and Eric)