Cinemorgue Wiki

Alexa Yeames' death in Downrange

Alexa Yeames (1994 - )

Film Deaths

  • Downrange (2018) [Sara]: Shot in the right eye with a suppressed sniper rifle by Aion Boyd. When she turns around in shock, Aion shoots her in the back of the head; the bullet exits her head through the socket of her destroyed eye. Her body is shown multiple times throughout the rest of the movie. At one point, crows land on her and begin pecking at her body; one crow eats the ruined remains of her eye.

TV Deaths

  • The Originals: From a Cradle to a Grave (2014) [Abigail]: Impaled through the lower chest with a metal fencepost thrown by Joseph Morgan, pinning her to the wall (Note: The Abigail character is actually first killed in an earlier episode when her throat is slit by Shannon Eubanks and then resurrected in another episode when Shannon is killed. However, in those earlier episodes Abigail is played by Aubrey DeVaney.)

