Cinemorgue Wiki

Akiko Wakabayashi in You Only Live Twice

Akiko Wakabayashi (1941 - )

Film Deaths[]

  • Dogora the Space Monster (Uchu daikaiju Dogora; Space Monster Dogura) (1964) [Natsui Hamako]: Shot in the back by gangsters as she tries to run away on the beach. (Thanks to Big O)
  • The Stranger Within a Woman (Onna no naka ni iru tanin) (1966) [Sayuri Sugimoto] Strangled by Keiju Kobayashi.
  • You Only Live Twice (1967) [Aki]: Poisoned when David Toguri drips poison onto her lips (which she unknowingly swallows) down a long thread (which was meant for Sean Connery) while she's lying asleep beside Sean. She succumbs to the poison (after uttering a few words) and Sean pronounces her dead.