Adoni Maropis in 24: Day 6: 10:00pm-11:00pm
Adoni Maropis (1963 - )
Movie deaths[]
- Bad Company (2002) [Jarma]: Shot by Anthony Hopkins.
- The Scorpion King (2002) [Doubting General]: Stabbed in the chest by Steven Brand after doubting him.
TV deaths[]
- Mortal Kombat: Conquest: Vengeance (1999) [Quan Chi]: Killed along with Dana Hee by Jeffrey Meek's Shadow Priest.
- Angel: There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb (2001) [Rebel Leader]: Shot with an Arrow (Off-Screen) by Michael Phenicie's Army During an Invasion.
- 24: Day 6: 10:00pm-11:00pm (2007) [Abu Fayed]: Choked to death, after being hoisted in the air with a chain around his neck, during a fight with Kiefer Sutherland.
- Criminal Minds: Mayhem (2008) [Ben Abner]: Commits suicide by slitting his throat after being surrounded in a parking lot by the BAU.
- Chuck: Chuck Versus the Pink Slip (2009) [Javier Cruz]: Shot with a minigun by Adam Baldwin from a helicopter during a shoot-out.
- CSI: NY: Point of No Return (2009) [Sebastian Diakos]: Shot in the head by Paul Papadakis.
- The Last Ship: Endgame (2017) [Maroudis]: Shot to death by Marissa Neitling.
- Taken: Imperium (2018) [Niko Xanatos]: Shot twice in the chest by Clive Standen when Adoni tried to shoot him.
Video Game Deaths[]
- Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun (1999) [General Hassan]: Executed via sliced throaat by Frank Zagarino due to Adoni’s affiliation with James Earl Jones.