5 Dolls for an August Moon (1970)
a.k.a. 5 bambole per la luna d'agosto
Director: Mario Bava
A wealthy industrialist (Teodoro Corra) holds a party on his island getaway, hoping to buy a revolutionary new formula from one of his guests, a prominent scientist (William Berger). Before the deal can be made, the guests begin to be murdered one by one.
Male Deaths[]
- Mauro Bosco [Charles]
- Teodoro Corra [George Stark]
- Maurice Poli [Nick Chaney]
- Howard Ross [Jack Davidson]
Female Deaths[]
- Edwige Fenech [Marie Chaney]
- Edith Meloni [Jill Stark]
- Helena Ronee [Peggy Davidson]
- Ira von Fürstenberg [Trudy Farrell]